About the Author

“Make haste to live.
Oh god, yes.
Live, and write, with great haste.”

– Ray Bradbury

  • Devotee of Bast, Inanna, Wepwawet, Hathor, Tefnut, and the Morrigan
  • Scribe to the Sun and Moon
  • Queer agender asexual
  • Tsunami subject matter expert
  • Interfaith Chaplain in training

136 thoughts on “About the Author

    • No, thank YOU. You’re very kind to take the time to read my work. I’m happy to follow you; you have a real way with words. I look forward to reading more of your work. :)

  1. I’m a kindred spirit too! I replied to your thread in the forum. As I said in the reply, I’m looking forward to read more of your work :)

  2. It’s a very interesting format you have here. It’s almost like an intensive study in character, where each post is another stage of study as your characters evolve and change. The dedication you’ve shown is quite admirable. Best Wishes!

  3. I love that you describe it as “cross-genre character-based multi-narrative introspective episodic flash fiction.” What an interesting idea. Having characters you like is really the best way to tell any story, and this seems like a fantastic way to do it. I’ve grown attached to my own in my novel that I’m working on, and it will be hard for me to invent new ones.

    • Thank you so much! Yeah, I can’t imagine writing about anyone else. I’ve been working with these two characters for ten years and still feel like I haven’t even scratched the surface of their stories yet. I think if I ever tried to create any truly new characters they’d just end up being sneaky imitations of my original ones, haha.

  4. I’m glad I thought to come here. Before now, I’ve been calling you a “he”, but I wasn’t really sure. I blame your picture at the top of the blog. Those are always misleading me to people.

    What is tanka, btw? Is that when you seem to have written haiku, but you added extra lines? Because I wondered about those…

    • I don’t mind being mistaken for a man, don’t worry. In a way it’s flattering – that means my writing at least doesn’t have such a… er, “feminine touch”, for lack of a better word, that gives me away. If it makes you feel better, my pictures are never of me – usually instead they’re of killer cupcakes or cartoon cats or something.

      Tanka are Japanese poems that are basically haiku with two extra seven syllable lines at the bottom. I use them sometimes when a haiku is just too short to get the point across (or I have some great seven syllable lines I just can’t not use!).

      • Sweet. I should try out a tanka sometime!

        Also, the point about has a masculine writing voice, that’s actually quite good for writing. I’ve been trying sometimes to stretch my writing skills and write from a different perspective like that, but it doesn’t seem to be working out. :(

        At least you can do it. But can you do either?

        • I suppose it depends on what I’m writing. Some of my older or more spiritual-ish stuff, especially anything under my “Shakespeare’s Sister” category, is pretty feminine in my opinion. I think it comes down to the writing style; flowery, overly descriptive prose might come off more feminine than writing that’s more bare bones or straight to the point. Emotion might have something to do with it too. I’d wager it’s easier to tell I’m a girl if you read my more personal pieces since they’re more emotionally charged (with my own emotions versus that of my characters).

          Have you tried writing in first person much? Although I don’t always like whole novels that are written in first person, it is a good way to get into a character’s head and voice. If you tried experimenting with some short fiction based on male characters, that might be a good way to get some practice using a more masculine tone.

          That’s just a guess, though. I’m not very girly to begin with, or emotional, so maybe it’s my natural tone and I just don’t know? XD

          • That sounds like good advice, the emotional vs. direct point. I should try that sometime soon.

            And yes, I have done some first person before. When I first started writing, I always went about it in that way. Perhaps you’d think I’d be better at voice considering that, then.

  5. If you don’t mind writing short shorts, you might enjoy joining us on Fridays at my blog. The Friday Fictioneers gather to leave links to their story in the comment section of my story. We offer crit if you desire or simply encouragement or impression feedback. It’s a great crowd, but the genres are mixed with an over-riding sense of the dark side sometimes. That’s not a requirement and in fact I’d love to see some fresh takes on the prompts sometimes. Here’s the link to this week’s prompt: http://madisonwoods.wordpress.com/2012/04/25/photo-prompt-for-100-word-flash-fridayfictioneers-27/

  6. First off, thank you again for taking a look at my page (specifically, my (currently pretty empty…) writing section!)! Not just because you checked me out, but because your comment led me to this fantastic blog! Whilst I have yet to read more than a couple of posts, I absolutely love the idea you have going here. Also, the detail with which you described your characters… inspiring! I’ve often written my characters into situations other than their assigned stories, but never thought to create a blog about those adventures. Anyway, love this, keep up the good work, fellow writer! :)

  7. question about your thing with the same characters in different genre. are they aware that they’re popping up in different times/places/genre? is it like a time travel, “poof” and they’re suddenly somewhere else? are there any differences in their behavior in the different places? are they on some kind of a quest, or is it just a slice of their daily lives, but in different places/times/genre? i haven’t heard of this before, but it sounds interesting.

    • It’s usually that “slice of life” stuff, just in different stories. For the most part they aren’t aware that they’ve essentially lived other lives, though every once in a while I play with the concept of them being aware of it because it brings up interesting issues and questions (sort of that ill-fated lovers, doomed cyclical tragedy sort of thing). The fundamental aspects of their personalities for the most part stay the same, though they may change a bit between stories depending on certain details like period/place/genre, childhood, current situations, etcetera.

      • i like to take other people’s ideas and play with them a little. sometimes it annoys people. most people can either ignore it or think about it. what would be cool is a whole book with these stories. and little by little, the two people find clues and reminders about where they’ve been. eventually they run up against something. they see things that they have no idea what it is, but they have these dreams or recollections. then they realize that they’ve had these past lives – or parallel lives. they have to figure out how they got there. some kind of device transported them to these other places and times. they have to go back and get something. information, a tool, a clue, then come back and solve the present time issue little by little. also, they’ve been simultateously haveing these visions or dreams, but they didn’t mention it to each other until by accident one of them slips and the other is like, OMG me too! but i’m rambling.

        • I’ve played around with that a little, but never to such a large degree. I agree, it’d be really cool. I’ve always wanted to somehow work a bunch of my short fiction into some sort of novel-ish thing, but the task seems so daunting I wouldn’t know where to begin.

            • All I write are endings. I’ve never written a beginning. Beginnings aren’t interesting. I mean, they are if you make a beginning that’s actually a middle, or an ending in disguise, but regular beginnings are boring.

              Mostly I was referring to the fact that I have over 1100 pieces to choose from, though. XD

              • the beginning would actually be the beginning of the ending, only the characters would not know it. nearby, something would happen. loud. they’d notice but not really care. it would have a specific, distinct sound. then they’d go about everything they were doing and appearing in the various genre. at one point, someone would warn them about a specific event that was going to happen, what it would mean, how devastating, and what happens if nobody stops it from happening. they store that away and continue with other adventures, but signs keep popping up regarding that event. eventually, they arrive at the end of the story, which is really a time loop back to that beginning. only this time, then they “hear” that distinct event, they’ll know what it means, and they’ll alter what they did the first time, and that is the beginning of the ending – which was also the beginning of the story.

  8. “and sometimes vomit out unbroken sentences that make no sense at all.” I’m really glad someone else does that! The thought process when that happens is my favourite bit, then trying to slow the words down and get them to tell their story coherently. I have been on your blog for about a minute and a half and I already feel at home!

  9. Hey, you got a nice blog and thanks for the comment on my blog. it really made my day. I hope you will forgive me but I have not been able to read your blog fully but I will surely do it in this week and I hope you continue to follow my blog and give feedback.

  10. The descriptions of your characters and their unique relationship is fascinating. Also, the streamlined, uncluttered layout of your blog is both pleasing to the eye and easy to read. Your writing is wonderful. Send more!
    And thanks for stopping by my blog.

  11. Thank you for always reading my posts. I’ll start doing the same and catch up with yours. I’ve never really heard of “cross-genre character-based multi-narrative introspective episodic flash fiction” so I am excited!

    Random trivia. “Tanim” in Filipino means “to plant.” :)

  12. Hi Elyssa! Thanks for checking out my haiku/poetry and liking my post. I enjoy your writings and am now following your blog. Looking forward to future postings!

  13. Hi Elyssa…I want to thank you for enjoying “Something Lost”. I’m new here and am looking forward to learning the in’s and out’s of WordPress. Keep up the good work, I read the top post. Nice job. Susan

  14. hi. thought id check u site out as u left a real nice comment about a story i had on gay flash fiction a few months ago. your stuff is real interesting but i must say i really liked u poetry even if u said u only did it to get the creative juices going. ‘devotion’ is real good and really stayed with me.ive just sgtarted and set up a site – hope to get sum more stuff on soon. check out if u gget bored. cheers see ya. daniel hunter.

  15. Thank you for being nosy, and checking out my site! I’m glad you enjoyed the haiku. I have followed your blog and look forward to reading your work. Onward.

  16. Everything you write has the feeling inside it of care. I am not a writer. But. It is good to know someone with this heart is writing for us. Please enjoy your holiday in your way and be happy. Yumi xx

  17. Hi,
    I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger award because you are very inspiring.
    If you would like to participate, you are asked to:
     Display the award logo.
     Thank the person that nominated you and link back to them in your post.
     State 7 interesting things about yourself.
     Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
     Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
    S. Harry Zade, thenarrativeimperative.com

  18. You visited my blog recently, and liked one of my posts. Thanks for reading. I hope you come back soon. I’m fairly new to blogging, and I’m discovering that it’s a vast space for experimentation with points of view, tense, structure etc. I’m following your blog now. Your ideas are exciting, and I can’t wait to spend more time with your writing.

  19. Hi Elyssa! I’ve been following your blog for a while now and I must tell you that i’m absolutely in love with the way you write. And I can’t believe you’ve been writing Tanim and Daren for more than 10 years (12 is it? btw I think i’m in love with Daren). Your passion is truly, truly inspiring. I have only just started to put up my work on a public forum (two years) and i’m less afraid of it each day. If you have any sort of feedback for me i’d really love it. I primarily love writing fiction, the reviews section is only because I love films and talking about films. If anything comes to mind please do not hesitate to let me know because I really would like to learn and get better.


    • Hi, Nandini! Thank you so much for the lovely comment! It really made my day. :) It took me a while to get over the nervousness of posting my writing on a public forum as well, but you’re right, that anxiety fades after a while. I really love your haiku, they capture some really strong themes in just a few lines. Your reviews are quite impressive as well! Your analysis is very in-depth and helpful for someone who hasn’t seen those shows, etc. I’m not sure I have any feedback at the moment, except that I want more haiku! ;)

  20. I like what I’ve seen so far and look forward to reading more :D
    The easiest way to find my fiction blog is to click on my gravatar, but I hope you’ll come and see both. :)

  21. Hey Elyssa! I wanted to let you know a friend and I started a group for writers and readers. I wanted to personally invite you to join to promote your blog and writing. It deserves to be read! The wordpress page is http://writeblogconnect.wordpress.com/ which you can follow. But, if you are on Facebook, our group page is https://www.facebook.com/groups/336086969847506/ and there you can link your blog posts to the wall so other people can read it! Happy writing!!

  22. Hi Elyssa! Thanks for following my blog (Little Write Lies)! I’ve just spent a good while reading through your writing and have been enjoying myself very much :)
    I love the darkness in your writing – especially in your flash fiction! I’m following your blog and look forward to reading more of your writing.

  23. Hi there! I’ve nominated you for the Leibster Award. This award is designed for bloggers with less than 200 readers (more or less), who quite frankly are pretty ace at what they do and deserve more.

    The rules are:

    1. Share eleven facts about yourself with your fellow bloggers.
    2. Make sure to answer the eleven questions posed.
    3. Ask eleven questions of your own.
    4. Nominate eleven bloggers for this award.
    5. Notify the people you have tagged.

    Here are your questions:

    1. What is your favourite element?
    2. Which is your most favourite swear word? WHY?
    3. If you could punch a famous person, who would it be?
    4. If your food fell to the floor, how long before you consider it inappropriate to pick it back up and eat it?
    5. Is “mint” a legit ice-cream flavour? Do you like it?
    6. How are you feeling today?
    7. Do you think we will blow ourselves up? Or do you still have faith in mankind?
    8. Do you feel bad for “pluto” (the planet) ?
    9. Favourite director /author/ screenwriter?
    10. What’s love got to do with it?
    11. Let’s say you got famous for something, like writing a book, or curing a disease or punching that celebrity in q.3. Which talk show host would you like to interview you about it?

    Have fun with it!

  24. Nice to meet you Elyssa. I write also, though lately all I do is blog posts and some bad Haiku. I’ve written three novels, and have at least two in various stages of incompletion. I’ve also written flash fiction, short stories, science fiction, fantasy, and done some essays. I have been lucky enough to have some of my fiction published, and love the feel of it. I hope to get back into fiction writing this winter with NaNoWriMo.

  25. Thanks for visiting – it brought me here. Fascinating. I loved the character sketches; you write beautifully. Creating two asexual characters is very interesting. I’m pretty sure all humans potentially fit anywhere and everywhere on the sexuality scale. Preference (dictated by biology and circumstances) usually keeps us hovering around a particular point. I imagine more readers than one might feel asexual at various times if not throughout their entire lives. This great range we all roam around in certainly leaves authors free to work with integrity through almost any sexual scenario.

    I particularly enjoyed your poetry. The post you liked on my blog was haiku, so I appreciate what an interesting and difficult form it is. I rarely write one that satisfies me, but you seem to have a talent for them. Thank you. I’m off to check out your girlfriend’s site.

  26. Excellent page, you have created a world i want to find out more about. Keep up the awesome work.
    Thanks for sharing this with us.

  27. Thanks for finding and “liking” today’s blog post. I write for my friend Z and my “adopted” daughter. When you are trying to change the world for someone, interaction is important. Thanks for yours. Peace to you and your g.f.

  28. Pingback: Sunday Summary 11/2 – Friends are Awesome: Webcomics, Games, Halloween, Romance | Things Matter

  29. Hi, Elyssa, just wanted to thank you for visiting my blog. I do appreciate that you would take the time from your day to stop by. I have been browsing over here on yours, and I am hooked on the stories of Tanim and Daren. I must do a lot of catching up, now! I know how characters can become a part of your family, that they’ve been with you for so long. I’ve done the same with mine, since 1993, and I find it hard to write about anyone else! Your haiku/tanka is wonderful, too. I try all different types of poetry…just learning how many forms there are. Thanks again for the like on my blog. My about page does have a link to my other blog with my serial type story. :)

  30. Pingback: A to Z: Turpent-I-ne | Things Matter

  31. Pingback: Project Reading Rainbow: Let’s Play 20 Questions! | Things Matter

  32. Pingback: Freestyle Writing Challenge – Smoggy Alien Giants | Things Matter

  33. Thanks for the like!
    Started reading your blog, and though I have a big problem with writers “killing off characters like it’s going out of style” (you people love shattering poor readers’ hearts, don’t you -_-), your writing style has me soundly interested. It really is engaging!

    • Haha, well if it makes you feel any better those same characters who constantly get killed off also constantly come back… :)

      On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 7:45 AM, Only Fragments wrote:


  34. Thank you for liking one of my poems making me able to find you! I loved your word “mumbo jumbo” as well as the translation. It’s a pleasure to expression your written expressions and I love some good ‘ole obsessive organization! ;)

  35. When i meet another voracious reader it restores my faith to humanity
    You are very inspirational!

  36. Hi. Are you still in touch with Shane, AKA Relm-Koriana? I haven’t heard from him in …. 15 years or so. Just wanted to know if he’s doing well.

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